Ahora Sí....... Comentarios

I talked with Sunjana for 10 minutes yesterday (26th April) and ask her about her basic info like a way to intruduce us..

I talked for an hour with Paulina Abrons, and I made a correction of her post: "La perspectiva extranjera de los EEUU", in her blog.

today (27th April) I talked with Paulina Abrons roughly 40 minutes, and she told me:

Last december when she went to Argentina for 6 days with her sister and her uncle; She had a problem in the NY's airport, an snowstorm, for that reason she flew 2 days after in bussiness class for 10 hours in the plane's back; It was horrible as she said me!!!!"

She live in a College dorm, she needs to cook once a week and clean her stuff. She has roommate who studied in Walles and speaks Spanish!!!!!!

I told her about where I live, with who, about my neighbours, etc...

3 comentarios:

Anónimo 29 de abril de 2009, 20:49  

Well done! Alfredo, keep on enjoying your interaction sessions and writing about them.


Emerita 29 de abril de 2009, 20:50  

Did you communicate with your poartner today?

Alfredo!!! 30 de abril de 2009, 18:36  

YES and 30th too (with Paul), but I didn't talk about any topic you sent us.
That's the reason because I didn't put a post!!!!

About this blog

Blog of Chilean students for the program:
Chilean-American Videoweb Interaction Team

